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    At meloCon 2023, I attempted to solve two pwn challenges. The NoRegVM chall has multiple vulnerabilities but turned out that only the fmt vulnerability is exploitable. I utilized the double-staged fmt exploitation again which I just learned from the last week.
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    The money-printer-2 challenge is a really interesting format string challenge. It shows a cool fmt exploit technique that leverages chained pointer and brute forcing which I haven't seen before.
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    This is the writeup for the umd ctf 2023 which was held by the University of Maryland. They provided a lot of interesting challenges in the Pokemon theme which I really enjoy :>.
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    Here is my write-up for the dynamic-allocator-misuse(heap) module of the ``. Due to the disclosure agreement, I won't post the full exploit but the PoC code to show the idea of the solutions. Glad to see they are adding more challenging levels at the end. Have fun.