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    Lately, I have been working on customizing V8 which gives me a chance to learn more about V8. In this blog post, I will be sharing my experience of getting started with V8. The topics that will be covered include building V8 from the source, debugging V8, and comprehending V8's compilation pipeline.
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    I was delighted to play in the WestLake CTF this year alongside my younger schoolmates and to see their high level of skill despite being only sophomores. Kudos to the younger generation, their future is certainly promising!
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    Another writeup for the ReadWorld 2023 CTF. Here are the baby-level and normal-level challenges, but they are actually not easy at all.
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    idek2022 has provided several challenges with good quality. The `sprintf` challenge is a 'wired' format string challenge in which I have summarized 3 different impressive approaches. Check them out!
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    In this blog, I am going to explain the important concepts of Heap and use the `ptmalloc` in the Glibc 2.31 library as an example. The heap is a beautiful mess :)